Saturday, March 12, 2011

My $5 Desk.

I found this little desk a few months back, of course I didn't take a before pic...I got too excited to re-do it...that's probably what happens when you first begin re-doing furniture. This is I think one of my 2nd projects. This little desk was a really ugly brown color and as you can see, I did it in red with the black glaze.


  1. Oh my goodness...i LOE IT!!! Can I buy it from ya for $10? YOu double your momey!! LOL....Seriously, this is just awesome.....I am just getting started doing stuff like this. I am in the hoarding stage.....when i pick up stuff and stash it away but havn't actually done anything with it Ahhhhh but the weather is getting nicer and I am anxious to get started!

  2. Thanks for your sweet comments! What a fun find!LOVE it!!
